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Alex Mottrie

Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie


Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie is the chief executive officer of Orsi Academy and in charge of the further development of the center.

He graduated in 1988 from the School of Medicine at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.

His main fields of interest are urological oncology and minimal invasive surgery. In 2001, he was one of the first to start with robot-assisted surgery, with a track record of over 3500 robotic procedures today. Being a pioneer in this field, he developed different important techniques and best practices that were adopted by colleagues all over the world. He introduced laparoscopic and robotic surgery in his department and under his impulse, the OLV Hospital evolved into a robotic expert center with over 650 robotic procedures per year.

In 2010, Prof. Mottrie founded the Orsi Academy, a multidisciplinary center for training and expertise in minimal invasive surgery.