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- Dr. Geert Vandenbroucke | Co-Founder & Chairman of Orsi Academy | bv & vzw
- Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie | Head of Urology Department at OLV Hospital Aalst | Co-Founder of Orsi Academy | CEO of Orsi Academy | bv & vzw
- Luc Veramme | Former COO of Orsi Academy | vzw
Medical management
- Luc Foubert | Anesthesiologist at OLV Hospital Aalst | vzw
- Frank Staelens | Director of Processes at OLV Hospital Aalst | vzw
- Claire Tillekaerts | Former CEO Flanders Investment & Trade | vzw
- Philippe De Backer | Former Minister | bv
Advisors Orsi Academy bv
- Pieter De Crem | Belgian politician & Mayor of Aalter
Scientific societies
- Maurice Schlief | Executive Manager Business Affairs EAU | bv
- James N'Dow | Adjunct Secretary General Education EAU | bv
- Prof. Dr. Piet Hoebeke | Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Health Services at Ghent University | vzw
- Prof. Dr. Paul Herijgers | Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Leuven University | vzw
- Prof. Patrick De Greve | CEO Vlerick Business School | bv & vzw
- Prof. Jos Vander Sloten | Vice Dean for International Affairs at Faculty of Engineering at Leuven University | vzw
- Prof. Dr. Em. Frank Gasthuys | Former Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ghent University | vzw
- Prof. Dr. Ann Martens | Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ghent University | vzw
Legal - Fiscal
- Wim Dejonghe | President Allen & Overy | vzw & bv
- Jeroen van Heesewijk | bv