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Orsi Academy welcomes Medicaroid’s hinotori™ surgical robot system*, a world's first!

Wednesday September 21, 2022 was a highlight for Orsi Academy. It is with great excitement that we welcomed the hinotori™ Surgical Robot System of Medicaroid.
A true honour, since it is the first non-prototype hinotori™ outside of Japan.
20220921 First Hinotori-2.jpg

* Note according to MPDG 2 § 16 (1): The hinotori™ is intended for exhibition and demonstration purposes only. The surgical system can be made available for use as soon as its in conformity with the Regulation (EU) 2017/745.

Two years ago, in August 2020, the hinotori™, the first robotic-assisted surgery system designed and manufactured in Japan, was approved for use in urology in Japan. Only 2 years later, the first hinotori™ finds it permanent home at Orsi Academy. Medicaroid is working on the CE marking of conformity of the hinotori™ according to MDR (2017/745). After official regulatory approval and certification in Europe, hands-on training at the skills lab of Orsi Academy will officially launch.

Our CEO Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie was already given the honour of testing out the robot: “Orsi Academy is an inclusive platform where all innovative companies are welcome. It is our mission to improve surgery through improved technology but most of all through a novel and revolutionary training methodology. It is only through safe and effective training that we can lower complication rates and make surgery safer.” Welcome Medicaroid to the Orsi family!

First order of business: developing a training program for surgeons to get to know the hinotori™ robot at Orsi Academy!


Together with Orsi we will shape the future and develop medical robotic solutions that will help everyone live healthier, more peaceful lives.

Mr. Tetsuya Nakanishi
-  General Manager Medicaroid













Orsi Academy as European innovation hub

As Medicaroid recognizes the importance of training, Orsi Academy was the natural next step in order to create a safe, objective & scientific way of training for their surgical robot and their first footsteps on the European healthcare market.

Medicaroid GM Tetsuya Nakanishi: “We are proud and delighted to partner with Orsi Academy. I am very honored to have the first installation of hinotori™ Surgical Robot System at Orsi Academy and greatly appreciate the support of Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie and his team. This is a big step for MEDICAROID towards our European expansion and I am grateful to Orsi Academy for giving us the chance to show our latest robotic technology. Together with Orsi we will shape the future and develop medical robotic solutions that will help everyone live healthier, more peaceful lives.”

About hinotori™

The hinotori™ is a robotic-assisted surgery system whose development was led by Medicaroid, utilizing the industrial robot technologies of Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. and the medical expertise of Sysmex Corporation, a global manufacturer of clinical laboratory diagnostic systems.

Similar to other robotic-assisted surgical systems, the hinotori™ comprises three components:

  • The Surgeon Cockpit; where the surgeon operates
  • Operation Unit; composed of the robotic arms with various surgical instruments attached to their tips
  • Vision Unit; integrates the images displayed in the Surgeon Cockpit and controls the audio

The Surgeon Cockpit is a console where the surgeon operates the robot, using two hand controls and a foot switch, with a 3D viewer that can be adjusted to the surgeon’s preferred position. This ergonomic design could reduce the physical burden and stress level for the surgeon.

The Operation Unit consists of the cart, the positioner, the arm base and four operation arms with the instruments at their tips which serve as the surgeon’s eyes and hands, going inside the patient to grasp, cut and suture. The arms are designed to be as compact as human arms.

The Vision Unit displays the high-definition endoscope images in 3D. It also supports smooth communications between the surgeon and the surgical staff.

The hinotori™ was named after the masterpiece Hi no Tori, created by Osamu Tezuka, a manga legend who was also a licensed physician. Inspired by Tezuka’s portrayal of the preciousness of life, the hinotori™ was produced as the first made-in-Japan robotic-assisted surgery system with the mission of supporting healthcare professionals who constantly deal with matters of life and death.

Did you know?

Partnership with future perspectives

Medicaroid, the creator of hinotori™, is a joint venture of Kawasaki, and Sysmex. By applying their excellent (industrial) robotic technologies they want to contribute to improve global healthcare.

Earlier this year Medicaroid visited Orsi Academy to see what the future holds in store. Medicaroid's mission to improve global healthcare through surgery assisting robotics & Orsi's ecosystem of people who are passionate about improving the best practices in minimally invasive surgery, are a perfect combination for a collaboration with future perspectives!

Orsi was the natural next step in order to create a safe, objective & scientific way of training for Medicaroid's surgical robot and their first footsteps on the European healthcare market.

The new era continues…

After almost two decades, new contenders engage for the leadership in robotic surgery, with new robotic platforms coming to the market.

The coming decade robotic surgery will change more dramatically than it has done over the last century!

“The coming decade robotic surgery will change more dramatically than it has done over the last century!”, claims Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie. In order to keep healthcare safe, objective & evidence-based robotic training is essential to train surgeons up to proficiency. Robotic surgery is fantastic, but a fool with a tool is still a fool.

In October 2022 Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie will get his first official training on the hinotori™. After 20 years of elaborate experience on the Da Vinci surgical system of Intuitive and pioneering by performing the first-in-man in Europe with the Hugo RAS of Medtronic, he is even expanding his robotic experience with a third new system.