It is our pleasure to announce that our new shiny website is now live! We invite you to take a look around and sign up for our newsletter through the contact form.
What's new?
On the website you fill find a clear overview of what Orsi has to offer to healthcare professionals & medtech companies. Next to that, we still welcome non-medical companies for their business events at our facilities.
Healthcare professionals
Healthcare professionals who are interested in our medical training courses can browse through our course calendar to find the training fully adapted to their needs.
Medtech companies
Medtech companies who are interested to organise a training at our institute, can make full use of our lab facilities & meeting rooms.
Teaching method Orsi Academy
Interested to read about the teaching method of Orsi Academy? Click here for more info about the proficiency-based progression methodology.
In the future, we will update the website with more information on all the ins and outs of Orsi Academy!
Questions or you want to stay in touch through our newsletter?