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Medicaroid & Orsi Academy: a visionary partnership

We are thrilled to announce a new collaboration for innovation in minimal invasive surgery. Orsi Academy & Medicaroid have joined forces to embark on a journey of innovation, education and robotic training.
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Mr. Tetsuya Nakanishi - General Manager, Medicaroid
Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie - CEO Orsi Academy

A visionary partnership

Today, we are proud to announce the official partnership between Orsi Academy & Medicaroid. This collaboration represents an alliance of expertise, innovation and shared values, aimed at pushing the boundaries of medical innovation.

By combining Orsi Academy’s extensive expertise in surgical education with Medicaroid’s revolutionary robotic technology, this partnership promises to herald a new era of surgical excellence. Through joint research initiatives, a collaborative training program and the exchange of knowledge, we aim to empower medical professionals with the surgical tools they need and provide unparalleled care to their patients.

CEO Orsi Academy, Prof. Dr. Alex Mottrie: “Orsi Academy is an inclusive platform where all innovative companies are welcome. It is our mission to improve surgery through advanced technology but most of all through a novel and revolutionary training methodology. It is only through safe and effective training that we can lower complication rates and make surgery safer.”

What lies ahead: Orsi Academy as European innovation hub

We are proud and delighted to partner with Orsi Academy. This partnership was the natural next step in order to create a safe, objective & scientific way of training for our surgical robot, the hinotori™ and our first footsteps on the European healthcare market.

Tetsuya Nakanishi Medicaroid’s General Manager


Welcome Medicaroid to the Orsi family!


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