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Successful training course debut by Orsi Academy at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York

We are thrilled to share the success of the first-ever Orsi robotic surgical training course in the USA, featuring a proficiency-based progression training – Orsi’s scientific and evidence-based approach to learning skills. This ground-breaking event marked a significant milestone, bringing together novice and advanced robotic surgeons for a unique learning experience.
First Orsi course in Mount Sinai-4

Proficiency-based Progression Assessment: A paradigm shift in robotic surgery education

What set this course apart was the adoption of a proficiency-based progression approach to training. This approach ensures that participants demonstrate a quantitively defined and quality assured proficiency performance level in practical robotic surgical skills, before training progression. Furthermore, trainees were evaluated in an objective and standardised way with validated performance metrics. 

The course fostered an interactive and engaging atmosphere, allowing participants to progress to proficiency while receiving personalized feedback and guidance from Orsi faculty experts.


Building foundations & advancing techniques

Attendees immersed themselves in a safe learning environment, away from the human patient.

During the week, they learned the basic and procedural skills for a robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) following the proficiency-based progression learning method.

Trainees were evaluated in an objective and standardised way with validated performance metrics.

First Orsi course in Mount Sinai-2

A historic first: Orsi courses debut in the USA

This landmark event marked the first time that Orsi courses were conducted in the United States, demonstrating a collective commitment and a significant expansion of opportunities to advance robotic surgical education and training. 

This was only ever possible because of fantastic teamwork! Thanks to everyone involved, this is only the beginning!


To be seen on the pictures (f.l.t.r.):

  • Dr. Rui Farinha
  • Prof. Dr. Anthony Gallagher
  • Dr. Ruben De Groote
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Wiklund
  • Prof. Dr. Alexandre Mottrie
  • Dr. Stefano Puliatti
First Orsi course in Mount Sinai-3