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Utilising the Delphi Process to Develop a Proficiency-based Progression Train-the-trainer Course for Robotic Surgery Training

As the role of robot-assisted surgery continues to expand, development of standardised and validated training programmes is becoming increasingly important. There is currently a lack of high-level evidence on how best to train trainers in robot-assisted surgery. Members of our TTT faculty, together with other key opinion leaders report a consensus view on a standardised “train-the trainer” curriculum focused on robotic surgery. It was formulated by training experts from the USA and Europe, combining current evidence for training with experts’ knowledge of surgical training.

Using the Delphi methodology, they achieved an international consensus among experts to develop and reach content validation for a standardised TTT curriculum for robotic surgery training. This defined content lays the foundation for developing a proficiency-based progression model for trainers in robotic surgery. 

A milestone we are very proud of! 

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