Orsi introduces Flemish Minister Jo Brouns to robotic surgery
Last Friday we had the honour to welcome Mr. Jo Brouns, Flemish Minister for Economy, Innovation, Work, Social Economy and Agriculture and allowed him to get acquainted with robotic surgery and the key principles of the proficiency-based progression methodology.
After a thorough presentation at our Auditorium and an explanatory visit to our lab facilities, it was time to roll up the sleeves. Minister Brouns got the chance to master the robot himself and took his very first steps to get robotically trained to proficiency.

”Since Orsi Academy is established with the support and funding of EFRD & VLAIO, we are very much committed and value the visit of this equipe.

Since Orsi Academy is co-established with the financial support of EFRD (European Fund for Regional Development) & VLAIO (Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship), we are very much committed and value the visit of this equipe. Orsi fulfills an important role in Flanders in several areas. The training centre has a proven impact on branding & reputation, local & regional economic development and healthcare in Flanders.
First of all, Orsi has put Flanders on the map as frontrunner in MedTech attracting multinational companies and international societies to invest in Flanders. Secondly, Orsi's direct and indirect impact on Flemish economy translates itself through employment in Flanders and investment in local economy.
At last, there is no escaping the fact that Orsi Academy has a huge impact on the safety of healthcare. Enabeling improved training for surgeons eventually reduces the number of errors in the hospital which leads to faster recovery for the patient and lower cost to the community.
The visit was concluded with a inspirational brainstorm over a delicious bite & drink.
Looking forward to further collaboration on innovation in the future!
We were happy to welcome and to be seen on the picture (f.l.t.r.):
- Mr. Pieter De Crem | Mayor of Aalter & Advisor Orsi Academy bv
- Mr. Werner Van Den Stockt | Management Authority EFRO
- Prof. Dr. Alexandre Mottrie | CEO of Orsi Academy
- Mr. Jo Brouns | Flemish Minister for Economy, Innovation, Work, Social Economy and Agriculture
- Mr. Luc Veramme | COO of Orsi Academy
- Ms. Christine Mathieu | KU Leuven & Board Member Orsi Services
- Ms. Inge Meesters | Project Manager Orsi Academy
- Mr. Korneel Vandenbroucke | General Manager Orsi Academy
- Mr. Paul De Hondt | Head of Cabinet